Adorngirl Photography

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Editors Musings: On Time wasting


Recently I have been thinking about time and how precious it is. My own down time is when I can attend events, press meetings and actually blog, so when that time gets wasted by someone else, it makes me so angry, like Bruce Banner Hulk angry. Don't worry this isn't about to go into a tirade, but my time is valuable so everything you see on this blog is something that was worth that time. Just last week I walked out of an event before the show was about to start because it was starting to be one of those, sorry, who do you write for? blank gormless stare when I say Adorngirl  yes just sit there. in the seat where you wont get decent pictures. (you personally invited me. With lots of follow-up emails to make sure I was coming). I have no time for that blasé kind of attitude I am Adorngirl *Beyoncé hair swish. It is not about giving coverage to people who don't appreciate your time.

It has been a busy few weeks, hence my lack of Editors letter, the major highlights was the press trip to Geneva, and annual Graduate fashion Week showcase.  It is a beautiful sunny Monday ( fingers crossed the weather stay like this) So for this week expect part 2 of my Geneva experience featuring the open cellars, and what's in my holiday makeup bag. A closer look at the Microsoft Kids corner, spotlight on Kasun, and a beauty throwback Thursday. To coincide with putting more efficiency into my time-keeping, I have created a mental editorial calendar for Adorngirl but have yet to write it down. So excuse me while I finally get the chance to pop open the packing of my Staples stationery, and get busy with my coloured sharpies, and pinning magazine cut outs, and post it notes to my desks pinboard.

Here are a cross section of fabulous blog posts I have read over the past few weeks (if you have time)